Workshops at BPM 2025

9th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Business Process Management (AI4BPM)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to grow, with new and more advanced techniques and applications across numerous areas. In the past few years, we have seen strong interest from both industry and academia in applying AI techniques to Business Process Management (BPM). Indeed, AI is also transforming other areas where process management perspectives and techniques apply, including industrial engineering, IoT, and emergency response, among others. AI in BPM has been regarded as the next disruptive technology that will touch almost all business process activities currently performed by humans. Over time, AI may lead to entirely new paradigms for business processes and operations. The goal of this workshop is to establish a forum for researchers and professionals interested in understanding, envisioning, and discussing the challenges and opportunities of moving from current, largely programmatic approaches for BPM to emerging forms of AI-enabled BPM. The workshop is further enriched with a panel discussion addressing recent challenges and intersections between AI and BPM.

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1st International Workshop on Implementation and Management of Intelligent Process Automation Solutions (AUTOMATE)

The goal of AUTOMATE is to target a family of process automation techniques that combine human expertise with intelligent technologies to enhance the execution and monitoring of business processes. Today, process automation tools range from lightweight solutions, including centrally provisioned tools (e.g., Microsoft Power Platform), business-driven applications (e.g., Robotic Process Automation), and user-driven solutions (e.g., ChatGPT), to more advanced solutions empowered by Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Natural Language Processing (NLP), and Large Language Models (LLMs). When combined, these technologies unlock a new dimension of hyper-automation. This workshop aims to discuss managerial and engineering problems associated with both lightweight and advanced process automation solutions from a Business Process Management (BPM) perspective. After a short opening, the workshop will continue with paper presentations and discussions and close with an interactive session. Here, participants will collaboratively develop a manifesto on challenges and best practices regarding the management and implementation of both lightweight and advanced process automation solutions.

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9th International Workshop on Business Processes Meet the Internet-of-Things (BP-Meet-IoT)

The BP-meet-IoT workshop is a full-day event that delves into the synergy between Business Process Management (BPM) and the Internet of Things (IoT), highlighting how IoT-driven automation can enhance business processes and decision-making. This edition will emphasize key challenges and innovations at the intersection of these fields, fostering a dynamic exchange of ideas. A major highlight is the interactive session, where participants will engage in group discussions to analyze and propose solutions to challenges pre-selected and voted on before the event, ensuring a highly relevant and participatory experience.

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5th Workshop on Change, Drift, and Dynamics of Organizational Processes (ProDy)

This workshop brings together different perspectives and research streams on change, drift, and dynamics of business processes. The workshop is planned as a half-day event on September 1st 2025 and will comprise presentations of full papers and research-in-progress papers, as well as discussion sessions involving researchers from different academic backgrounds concerned with process dynamics. Selected papers will be invited to submit an enhanced version to the Business Process Management Department of Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE).

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1st Workshop on Distributed Ledger Technologies in Business Process Management (DLT4BPM)

The DLT4BPM workshop is a platform to present research and applications at the intersection of Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) and Business Process Management (BPM). DLT systems open diverse opportunities in BPM in a wide range of industries. The DLT4BPM workshop welcomes contributions of conceptual, technical, and application-oriented nature from students, researchers, and industry practitioners alike. We encourage submissions relevant to enterprises, governmental bodies, and other organizational forms across diverse domains. The workshop features a dedicated interactive format: Participants can present their ideas or ongoing work in lightning talks based on submitted abstracts and engage in discussions with an expert audience.

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3rd International Workshop on Formal Methods for Business Process Management (FM-BPM)

Formal Methods offer a comprehensive set of theoretical and practical tools for constructing mathematically rigorous process models and enhancing their quality through simulation, automated analysis, and repair. FM-BPM 2025 provides a dedicated platform for researchers and practitioners to explore novel approaches and applications of Formal Methods in Business Process Management. Designed as a fully interactive event, the workshop will foster discussions on the evolving role of Formal Methods in contemporary BPM and emerging cross-disciplinary technical challenges.

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2nd International Workshop on Managing Process Innovation in the Era of Digital Transformation (Innov8BPM)

In the era of digital transformation and innovation, business process management (BPM) as a field needs to adapt to new topics and themes. This workshop addresses the necessary advancements in the BPM discipline for managing process innovation and creating business value in today’s dynamic environment. We seek contributions that delve into the managerial implications of emerging BPM capabilities within the context of digital transformation and creating business value through BPM. We encourage full, short, and experience, and problem statement papers. The workshop will include an interactive discussion session facilitated by the organizers with divergent-convergent idea generation for defining future research opportunities.

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4th Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Business Process Management (NLP4BPM)

The NLP4BPM Workshop 2025 is an academic forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss their work on applying Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Large Language Models (LLMs) to Business Process Management (BPM). The workshop aims to foster intellectual exchange on topics across the entire BPM spectrum, encompassing foundational research, engineering methodologies, and management practices. We invite submissions that focus on the integration of textual content or semantics into BPM tasks, as well as those leveraging the implicit knowledge of LLMs. Besides regular paper contributions, we also invite idea and vision papers as well as dataset papers to explore promising new directions and share resources that advance research in the field.

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3rd Workshop on Object-centric processes from A to Z (OBJECTS)

The topic of object-centric processes has been gaining momentum in the last few years, with many works addressing foundational and practical problems on the interplay of processes and objects. Despite the surging number of results on the topic, numerous problems still require a deeper exploration of the interplay between object data and processes. This workshop provides a platform to discuss such problems and reflect on future directions of object-centricity in Business Process Management and Process Mining. Additionally, we plan to host a public review session to reflect on key challenges in object-centric processes, recently identified during the BuzzOs workshop at ICPM 2024.

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2nd International Workshop on Processes, Laws, and Compliance (PLC)

The Processes, Laws and Compliance (PLC) workshop intends to provide a forum to facilitate the exchange of research findings and ideas on data-driven and process-oriented techniques and practices in the legal domain, fostering collaboration among interdisciplinary experts, researchers, and practitioners working in IT and law.

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2nd. Workshop on Visual Process Analytics (VIPRA)

Over the last decades, business process management has become both increasingly data-driven and increasingly user-focused, eliciting a need to visually present large amounts of information to support organizations in their analysis and decision-making. At the same time, the analysis questions in the BPM field, particularly the analysis of event logs through process mining, poses new challenges and opportunities to the visualization community, particularly the interdisciplinary design of interactive visualizations though visual analytics. In the 2nd Workshop on Visual Process Analytics (Vipra 2025), we aim to bring together researchers from both Visual Analytics and Process Mining, to learn, create a common language, spark collaborations, and advance both fields. The workshop provides an opportunity for participants to learn about the state-of-the-art and discuss how both fields can mutually benefit each other.

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